a safe space for monthly group conversations amongst those who identify to find fellowship and faith
There is misalignment amongst the Church and the queer community. A lack of outreach, healthy dialogue, and support for those who identify as both Christian and queer. While a tarnished and bruised view of the Church at large has led many queer folk to find spirituality in a worldly sense. We have an opportunity to show the love of Jesus to both communities balancing conviction and compassion.
the QUE(E)RY is building a bridge of reconciliation through conversation and community for those navigating the crossroads of faith and sexuality
As an inclusive space for all those who navigate sexuality and faith, we cultivate conversation amongst side A, side B, and those in between. the QUE(E)RY unifies under a shared understanding that Christ is at the apex of our identity hierarchy and our sexuality is a gift from God.
the QUE(E)RY hosts a communal safe space for open dialogue on the sticky intersection of sexuality and faith. With a pour of wine, a wide range of topics, and a non-confrontational approach, fellowship, and faith are cultivated among those who identify.
the QUE(E)RY was honored to participate in Missional Labs 2nd Cohort, F/W22. Culminating in a Pitch Day with over 200 viewers, the mentorship provided throughout the weeks crafted a dynamic unique vision mapping for the future of the QUE(E)RY.
connect w/ us: @the_queery
A War of Loves. David Bennet [identity hierarchy. navigating life]
Sexuality is not a Sin. Dr. Nate Collins + Greg Coles, The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender
Sexuality & Interpretation. Dr. Preston Sprinkle. The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender
The Controversial Jesus: Sexual Formation. Jon Tyson